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Creating a List with a Custom View in MOSS


by happynuri 2008. 4. 29. 17:03


The following code can be used to create a custom list in MOSS and apply a custom view to it:
	// create list
	web.Lists.Add(listName, "", SPListTemplateType.GenericList);
	list = web.Lists[listName];

	// Add your fields to the list
	list.Fields.Add("Field1", SPFieldType.Text, false);
	list.Fields.Add("Field2", SPFieldType.Text, false);

	// You can change the title of a field by accessing the SPField object
	SPField field1 = list.Fields["Field1"];
	field1.Title = "Title Of Field 1";

	// You have to use a specialized string collection to add fields to a view
	System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection strCol = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection();
	strCol = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection();

	// You can use a standard query here to only return certain data
	string query = string.Empty;	
	query = "";
	SPView view = null;
	view = list.Views.Add("Items Sorted By Field1", strCol, query, 20, true, false);


출처: http://www.sharepointblogs.com/mykiep/archive/2007/02/26/creating-a-list-with-a-custom-view-in-moss.aspx

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