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WPF에서 3D에 2D로 상호작용하기


by happynuri 2008. 1. 31. 14:34


출저: http://blogs.msdn.com/wpf3d/archive/200 ··· wpf.aspx

Interacting with 2D on 3D in WPF

Interacting with 2D placed on 3D is now possible in v1 of the Windows Presentation Foundation!

In between shipping Vista and planning the next version of WPF, we realized that with a clever implementation it was possible to provide this feature today on v1 bits, and I’m happy to report that as of now, the binaries (and source code to them) needed to do this are available for download (here).

The download also contains two sample applications - InteractiveViewport3DSample and Channel9Demo - which illustrate how to use the code.  So if you just want to dive right in to 2D on 3D, that's a good place to start.

The rest of this post will describe how to use this feature as a developer, as well as how it’s implemented behind the scenes.  If you want the video version though, which includes a cool demo of an app we made with the 2D on 3D code (photo shown below – source to be released soon), check it out on Channel9 (here).

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